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The total livestock production in Negros Occidental for 2023 as shown in Figure 1, Indicates a decrease of 2.62 percent from 76,640.77 metric tons in 2022 to 74,633.05 metric tons in 2023. The said decrease was contributed by a decline in the production of Swine due to the effect of Hog Cholera and ASF in the province. Carabao, Cattle, and Goat exhibited an increase at 4.39 percent, 11.77 percent, and 1.40 percent respectively.


In Figure 2. Negros Occidental’s percent distribution of production, Swine contributed most with 58,182.10 metric tons or 78.00 percent followed by Carabao with 8,921.51 metric tons or 12.00 percent, Cattle with 4,810.53 metric tons or 6.0 percent and Goat with 2,718.91 metric tons or 4.0 percent.



Meanwhile, poultry production in Negros Occidental for 2022 and 2023 were shown in Figure 3. Chicken posted an increase of 14.42 percent from 35,266.71 in 2022 to 40,350.82 metric tons in 2023, and Duck decreased by 2.52 percent from 752.61 to 733.65 metric tons in 2023. Poultry products or their products include Chicken Eggs, and Duck Eggs which both exhibited a decline of 0.82 percent and 2.47 percent respectively.


The poultry and egg production percent distribution for 2023 is shown in Figure 4. Which, chicken has the highest percentage contribution that has 72.00 percent, followed by chicken egg, duck egg, and duck.



Swine Inventory for 2024 declined by 16.21 percent against January 1, 2023 this is due to the effect of Hog Cholera and ASF in Negros Occidental, Goat and Carabao also exhibited a decrease of 2.92 percent and 6.23 percent respectively and cattle shows improvement in stocks for January 1, 2024 with 0.99 percent increase against January 1, 2023.



Chicken inventory for January 1, 2024, decreased by 15.55 percent from 8,526,852 heads in 2023 to 7,201,318 heads in 2024, and Duck also posted a 7.22 percent decline that is from 312,947 heads in 2023 to 290,353 heads in 2024.



Production data of livestock and poultry were generated based on the result of the Commercial Livestock and Poultry Survey (CLPS) and the Backyard Livestock and Poultry Survey (BLPS), These surveys will be conducted quarterly and the commodities covered were Carabao, Cattle, Swine, Goat Chicken, Duck and other animals tended/raised by the household and establishments.


Both surveys are important as the data generated will aid policymakers in generating sound policy decisions on the improvement of backyard and commercial farms for the welfare of the farmers and operators. Moreover, the survey will determine/measure the performance of the livestock and poultry industry and the agriculture sector, as a whole. 


LIVESTOCK – Refers to farm animals kept or raised for consumption, work, or leisure. For this report, livestock include hogs, carabao, cattle, and goats that are tended and raised by an operator.


POULTRY – This is a collective term for all domesticated avians for food consumption or, the carcass of such avian was dressed/processed for human consumption.


PRODUCTION – Refers to the volume of indigenous(locally raised) animals disposed of for slaughter plus animals exported or shipped out for slaughter both in the live weight equivalent.


Backyard Farm/Raiser – refers to any farm or household raising at least one head of animal or bird and does not qualify as a commercial farm


Establishment – an economic unit that engages under a single ownership or control, i.e., under a single legal entity; in one or predominantly one kind of economic activity at a single fixed physical location.


Animal Inventory (also, Animal Population)  is the number of domesticated animals in the head present in the farm at specific reference date.


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