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SAN JOSE, AntiqueThe Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) officially kickstarts the field operations of the 2024 Census of Population and Community-Based Monitoring System (POPCEN-CBMS) in the Province of Antique on 15 July 2024.

A group of people holding a banner

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The Provincial Government of Antique through the Provincial Planning and Development Office posts streamers at the New Capitol Building as their contribution to the information dissemination campaign

With the 2024 POPCEN-CBMS in full swing, Local Government Units in the province expressed full support not only in helping facilitate PSA-LGU coordinated activities, but in the information dissemination campaign initiatives as well.

Forward-looking, the data gathered in this activity will help ensure evidence-based planning, formulation, and implementation of programs and projects targeted to the people’s needs.

MLGUs of Culasi and Valderrama through the Municipal Civil Registry Office and Municipal Planning and Development Office respectively, post banners and streamers at the Municipal Hall premises in Culasi and Valderrama, Antique

Hired field personnel and Census-CBMS focal in the Municipality of Belison take a photo in front of the Municipal Hall and the posted 2024 POPCEN-CBMS streamer in Belison, Antique

The 2024 POPCEN-CBMS aims to update the population statistics at the national and local levels; update social registries for beneficiary targeting; and aid in the city/municipal level evidenced-based planning and project implementation.

The enumeration activity is in its second week of field operations and will run until 16 September 2024.


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